Proudly Supporting the Tulsa Community

Mythic Press isn’t just about printing; we’re deeply ingrained in the local community fabric. From parades to festivals and fundraisers, we make an effort to show up and support events and causes that help our community thrive. As part of our commitment, we’ve proudly donated over $100,000 to local non-profits since 2022. We love being able to make a positive impact and look forward to continuing our support of the Tulsa community for years to come.

Contribution highlights:

  • Saint Francis Strong Fund – $65,000
  • Tulsa Area United Way – $21,000
  • Turkey Mountain / River Parks – $14,000
  • Foundation for Tulsa Public Schools – $11,000
  • Tulsa Mayfest – $6,500
  • United Ukraine – $5,000
  • Wild Brew / Sutton Center
  • Up With Trees
  • Mclain High
  • Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art
  • Various in-kind donations: $20k+