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Schools - Mythic Press


Who We Serve

Public and Private Schools

Educational institutions face unique challenges in maintaining school spirit and fostering a sense of community among students, faculty, and alumni. We partner with schools to provide a wide range of customizable merchandise that promotes school pride and unity. From spirit wear for school events and fundraisers to graduation memorabilia, we offer affordable solutions to help schools strengthen their identity and build lasting connections. We frequently help schools with:

  • Spirit wear for students and staff
  • Event wearables (graduation, sports, etc.)
  • Fundraising via e-commerce pre-sales
  • Apparel storage and distribution
  • Promotional products & apparel
  • & more!

Client Spotlight: Tulsa Public Schools

Client Goals

Several schools within Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) approached us with the desire to boost school pride through affordable spirit wear options for students, parents, and teachers. They also sought assistance in fundraising endeavors and aimed to establish consistent branding for their diverse range of events and activities.

Our Solution

In tandem with TPS, we spearheaded fundraising efforts by crafting retail products such as the “Better Together” shirt post-COVID, available at both our retail outlet, Mythic City, and a partnered local bookstore. The proceeds from these sales were then channeled as donations directly to TPS. Additionally, we crafted school spirit shirts for numerous schools, ensuring consistent branding across the district. Moreover, our support extended to TPS events, where we created custom t-shirt designs for galas and themed occasions. Over the course of our seven-year partnership with TPS, we earned the trust of the district and expanded our offerings to encompass district-wide projects.


Fundraising initiatives, including the creation of retail products and partnerships with local businesses, generated substantial donations of $X. Our involvement in district-wide initiatives, such as the summer camp, saw the successful design, printing, and distribution of $XK shirts across 20+ schools.

Do you represent a school?

Contact us for additional details about the above client spotlight and we’ll gladly share more information.