What Makes the Perfect Shirt?

What Makes the Perfect Shirt?

We’ve mentioned how everyone has a favorite shirt. I’m willing to bet your favorite shirt isn’t a button-down, halter top, sweater, or turtleneck. I’d bet it’s a t-shirt. It’s a rare occasion when comfort marries style and the result is a slick tee that you can look and feel good wearing and have no fear of being mistaken for one of the “People of Walmart.”

The only downfall is that too often we must travel to the social trough that is the mall to purchase an overpriced shirt. The lovely folks that own the mall should pay us to shop at this chaotic underworld overrun with avid Drake fans and 12-year-olds who own an iPhone that is two generations newer than the one in my own pocket. It isn’t until I inevitably run into someone else wearing the exact same shirt that buyer’s remorse hits me like a ton of Cinnabons.  In the past when I have had this unfortunate experience, I make sure to avoid said t-shirt twin at all costs to preserve my own dignity and self-worth. This occurrence is a total style-cramp and it all spawns from the fact that good people are forced to shop at establishments such as Hollister and Aeropostale (emphasis on the stale) in order to find a decent shirt.

Scientific evidence proves that the best shirts are the ones available in small boutiques, record stores, and most one-of-a-kind, mom-and-pop shops. These folks know the value of a comfy garment, and also understand the positive impact that good design has on the world. Plus, they are locals in your area that are trying to do something unique for the community. Support these fine folks. After all, they are trying to to help out by offering you a great-fitting shirt with a design that is likely designed and printed by a local artist. You can have all of this, all while feeling good about putting dollars back into your community and you don’t even have to go to the mall. How lucky can a person be?

At Mythic, we’re here to help. Whether you want to order a small run of shirts that has a fresh design for you and your pals, or if you need shirts for your company or event, we have you covered, literally. The service experience of working with Mythic, as well as our quality of design, will make you feel as good about yourself as our shirts will.